Booking Reservation

Fill all form field to go to next step

  • Packages
  • Address
  • Date/Time
  • Personal Info
  • Special Instruction
  • Payment
  • Final

Save on recurring cleanings!
Select Cleaning Package:
Home Cleaning (Basic)
Home Cleaning (Heavy)
Student property
Renovation cleaning
Air Bnb Cleaning

Please enter the address of the property to be cleaned

Please select the date and time of our arrival.

Important: this is the time for arrival, not the cleaning duration. Cleaning appointments can vary from 2-6 hours depending on property size and cleaning requirements. If you can't find a suitable day or time, please give us a call.

Your Contact Information

This information will be used to contact you about your service.

Special Instructions and Final Notes

Please provide property access details, keypad code, parking info, and any other special points you'd like us to know about your home

Book Summary
Package Name
Cleaning Type
Area To clean 1400-2000 Sqft
Service Date
Time Slot
Recurring Discount %
HST Amount
Total $
HST Total 13%
Discount Code?


You will only be charged AFTER the cleaning service is complete. You can cancel anytime as long as it is 48 hours before your cleaning day, otherwise a fee will apply.

showConfirmButton: showConfirmButton, // Added to show confirm button conditionally // Initial call // Set interval to call showAlert every 5 seconds